Well, Firstly I'm totally against the Saddam Hussein reign as the president of Iraq, the man brought nothing to his people but disatsers and atrocities, even his neighbours and the whole Islamic world suffered a lot from his invasions...
But was the way he was executed just and fair?! Being announced so lately that he would meet his fate within 3 hours,just minutes before Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Ad'ha, isn't a coincidence! Everybody knows Saddam Hussein wasn't an Islamic figure to anyone, maybe a nationalist for those who still sing Arab natioanlism anthems, so what effect can the execution of him have on sectarian violence in Iraq between Sunnis and Shi'ites? I think nothing!
Some Sunnis will just announce they wanted the court to be legal expressing a real Iraqi will, and others will remain silent.
Frankly, no need to deny the truth that a majority of the Iraqis are happy by the execution, it is to early to say so I know, but those who expressed their happiness following his capture will necessarily be happy by his death.
What really bothers me is that Saddam is going to be a national hero for some people! Hey, we've to stop our emotions and think logically for a while! That's what the Americans want, to leave us believe dictators such as Saddam are patriots and role-models!
Actually Americans and so-called Arab leaders, who are just coward traitorous dummies, should be sorted as rubbish, no difference at all...
I felt shame that an American-backed court executed Saddam, I wished Iraqi people could have done it themselves before any foreign intervention, but it's not the the Iraqis' error... it's our cultural problems...
I'm going to pray Eid now, I hope I don't talk anymore about the incident...