I write Israel, just as it is internationally said, but that doesn't mean any long-term recognition, because I believe, even if it is now an established state with recognised borders, someday it will be nothing.
So, writing the name or using it now doesn't mean that I believe in any legality behind such a state, so let it be the same whether Isarel, the Jewish state or The Hebrew state, because it makes no sense as long as it won't be there someday, however until that day comes, there is no need of any relations with that state, no compromise here.
A dear friend of mine was a little bit turned when I excluded Israelis from dedications in the previous post; it is true I feel hatred toward anyone backing the existence of Israel, whether they were militants or civilians.
But do I call for a genocide or discrimination against Jews living in Israel?! Surely NO! My no comes from being a Muslim before any other orientation of my ideology, and once zionism collapse, those who were Israeli citizens would choose between going back to European countries which they left earlier, or to apply for Palestinian citizenship.
I think that is fair and just for them, and my hatred is justified, don't steal my land then ask for good neighbourhood, and those Israelis who oppose what their army does daily, they still back the existence of their country! They never knew that End of Zionism "Israel" = Peace.
One of my eternal fantasises since I was a child, is to take part in eliminating Israel and regaining all of our lands, hopefully I witness that day.
I'm not exaggerating optimism, it is soon isA.
It's an honour for me to be called by the Israelis and their allies "anti-Semitic" or "anti-zionist", as it is an honour for everyone to be branded "racist" by a real racist.