The service is really entertaining... however it mainly looks aimless...
Today at work, a colleague of mine suddenly jumped "Amr, you're on the facebook!"... and in minutes everybody was telling me to add him or her, while others were registering in the service :D another colleague told me about this video below... I forgot to say we discovered that our boss is registered as well :D he was away during the facebook fever that hit the office...
Now watch the video, forget about Enrique's stupid hit "Hero" :)
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the video's idea appealed to me soo much.
i see that "facebook" completes the chain that includes blogs, spaces and social networks.
they surly have their advantages
Hhahahaha :D,the video is Hilarious!!
You know i'm still rejecting to register in facebook despite all the invitations b'coz i was really sick of this kinda sites :S but was so surprised that all the people everywhere is talking about it.
I wonder....Is it that different?!is it really worth a try or froget about it?!! We've blogspot heeey :))
Brilliant, this is the only word that can be said. Actually I was at work and heard all people talking about this facebook, the kind of conversation that prevailed was very ridiculous and trivial, to the extent that I felt sick. Elnas heenak se3bet 3alayya gddan elha2ee2a.
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