الأحد، سبتمبر 02، 2007

Wasting time

This post is just for wasting some time, actually I'm writing it out from some cyber here in Dokki where I'm supposed to meet some friends after minutes in the underground to go to Cairo stadium for a match in which my club Al-Ahly plays in the Champions' League against Asec of CIV.
I have some free time after work with nothing at all to do... so what can be worse than walking under the lovely Egyptian sun in the summer?! After the prayer I reached this cyber where I used to waste some time before my course in July.
It's good somehow with two wooden plates blocking any peaking from other users here who could have been watching my screen from any of the two sides, there is also a very old air condition, but it does the job despite noisy sounds, and there is a very potent fly...!
Mmmmm.... what to say? Nothing... I was searching for batteries for my camera, I remembered a shop that had the shape of RadioShack which I passed by many times, but once I reached the enetrance I discovered it sells "socks"! yes socks and only socks! How long have I been thinking it was for electric stuff?!
I was to sleep in the mosque while waiting, the sad thing is that I'll isA return home late for sure, and I still have work for tomorrow morning and need to get photographed and pay for the last and ultimate course... even on Tuesday, I should be continuing my journey in Dante's Inferno to obtain my temporary graduation certificate.... lots of people sign, others seal, others delay.... a circle of curses.
I have many things to write over the next few days isA, but not from a cyber where I don't feel very relaxed... neither at home in fact, but in my room it's slightly better.
Now I'll check some websites then go...


هناك تعليقان (2):

JuSt_hUmAn يقول...

مش عارف أنا ليه بعلّق..ما أنا قلتلك اللي هقوله هنا من شوية ع الماسنجر !
بس جه فدماغي أكتب التعليق هنا..ما علينا.
الموضوع بتاع محل الشرابات دا مثال للحاجات اللي بنفضل فترة كبيرة جداً شايفينها حاجة و في الأخر تطلع حاجة تانية بمنتهى البساطة!
المشكلة إن الفترة دي ممكن تطول جداً لتشمل عمرك..و ممكن حتى بعد ما تشوف الواقع تفضل شايفها زي ما كنت شايفها في الأول!
تفضل شايف محل الشرابات محل أجهزة كهربائية حتى بعد ما شفت إنه بتاع شرابات!
لنا الله

Amr يقول...

والمشكلة إنه شرابات بس، يا ريته حتى شرابات وملابس داخلية!