ليس بالجديد مني، ولكن حقًا أقول إن مسعاي ليس إحباط من يقرأ، بل أن نعي جميعًا ما أحسبه حقيقة، ربما لا يكون كذلك، وحينها لن أُسرّ كثيرًا، وإن وافقني الجميع لن أُسرّ أيضًا...
كانت هذه كلمات كتبتها في "نوت" على الفيس بوك بتاريخ 14 يوليو الماضي، أي قبل انتهاء إجازتي السنوية بيوم واحد، وعلى الرغم من اعتزامي سابقا عدم نشر أي شيء بلغة أجنبية في هذه المدونة، إلا أن نقلي للكلمات تلك يحتم عليّ الإبقاء عليها بإنجليزيتها التي قد تبرر في آخر فقرة منها.
بالطبع لم يأت أي رد من كل من ذُكروا في "النوت" الذي كان معنونًا كما يبدو.

No Happiness Aboard
That's how I entitle our lives… it's not a smart deduction, but a very apparent thing which we can all touch and feel.
I tried to imagine the way John Lennon advised, but I got the same results.
Think what makes one happy... and analyse why I say no.
Family: Responsibilities... I can't let any of them down – disputes – stupid wedding parties – less privacy.
Friendship: I can't tolerate everything – we may love the same girl – how many times have you been let down? – I can't drag others to share my problems – I sometimes need solitude.
Solitude: Man is a social being – I'm born a soldier… my place is in the battlefield –family responsibilities… I can't be selfish with those who miss me – Home is one's best place.
Work: Rivalry – Pressure – stupid instructions – being accountable for others' mistakes – Proud, stupid and complex moderators.
Causes: Blind followers – fellow believers – organistaions – no respect – people who like to sort others by ideology.
Success: Could have been better – definite criticism – others' envy – Did I really add to the world?
Love: :D
Traveling: Visas – xenophobia - tickets' cost – hotels - stupid agencies - efforts made to take a week or two off work.
Delicious food: Disorders – need of the bathroom – quick satisfaction – feeling like a machine being recharged.
Music: Headaches – my friends don't like my choices – people repeat melodies and lyrics but they remain unchanged.
What else? Too many things for sure… I think spirituals do provide a solution, maybe the only solution… but in this world? Hope God helps us come back to the right path if we ever walked by.
I've recently noticed that almost all of my friends aren't happy with how things are going around; maybe it's a new stage we just moved to after graduation… any reasons why the world has become darker than ever before?
I was just asking why we always long for our childhood memories like if we don't have anything to cherish at the moment, doesn't that happen?
Please don't say "Those were your reasons and your own world…you can be better, kid!"
Finally, for those who are happy… I'm sorry if anything here makes you a little bit sad, forget it quickly, however I'm really not very disappointed by my words here.
Oh… I don't know why I wrote in English… my Arabic is perfect and I like it more… but maybe it's more global now and readable for everyone on facebook (some non-arab users are mentioned here), and you can forward the note if it looks ok for you.
That's how I entitle our lives… it's not a smart deduction, but a very apparent thing which we can all touch and feel.
I tried to imagine the way John Lennon advised, but I got the same results.
Think what makes one happy... and analyse why I say no.
Family: Responsibilities... I can't let any of them down – disputes – stupid wedding parties – less privacy.
Friendship: I can't tolerate everything – we may love the same girl – how many times have you been let down? – I can't drag others to share my problems – I sometimes need solitude.
Solitude: Man is a social being – I'm born a soldier… my place is in the battlefield –family responsibilities… I can't be selfish with those who miss me – Home is one's best place.
Work: Rivalry – Pressure – stupid instructions – being accountable for others' mistakes – Proud, stupid and complex moderators.
Causes: Blind followers – fellow believers – organistaions – no respect – people who like to sort others by ideology.
Success: Could have been better – definite criticism – others' envy – Did I really add to the world?
Love: :D
Traveling: Visas – xenophobia - tickets' cost – hotels - stupid agencies - efforts made to take a week or two off work.
Delicious food: Disorders – need of the bathroom – quick satisfaction – feeling like a machine being recharged.
Music: Headaches – my friends don't like my choices – people repeat melodies and lyrics but they remain unchanged.
What else? Too many things for sure… I think spirituals do provide a solution, maybe the only solution… but in this world? Hope God helps us come back to the right path if we ever walked by.
I've recently noticed that almost all of my friends aren't happy with how things are going around; maybe it's a new stage we just moved to after graduation… any reasons why the world has become darker than ever before?
I was just asking why we always long for our childhood memories like if we don't have anything to cherish at the moment, doesn't that happen?
Please don't say "Those were your reasons and your own world…you can be better, kid!"
Finally, for those who are happy… I'm sorry if anything here makes you a little bit sad, forget it quickly, however I'm really not very disappointed by my words here.
Oh… I don't know why I wrote in English… my Arabic is perfect and I like it more… but maybe it's more global now and readable for everyone on facebook (some non-arab users are mentioned here), and you can forward the note if it looks ok for you.
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