الأربعاء، ديسمبر 27، 2006

Rains and Thoughts

I left work at around 11:40 PM, and as soon as I began to walk through Areesh street in Haram it began to rain... I enjoyed the elegant tender drops... reminding me of many thoughts, I walked for a long distance in Haram street, I waited for a bus under an adboard to be able to see well because I had to put my glasses inside my pocket...
Who doesn't love those rain drops?

هناك 3 تعليقات:

saloma يقول...

sure no one dont love rains
its the only advantage in winter

labanita يقول...

i don't know y but walking in the rain brings happiness & makes me forget the whole world, wt i really don't know is tht y our parents freak us out of the rain? we all walked in the rain & nothing happened, even if we caught a cold so wt we can catch 1 while we r inside the house rolled in a blanket.

Dina Samaha يقول...

dayman ba7eb el matar w beyfakrny b qout keda
" i love walking in the rain because no one knows i'm crying"
bas tab3an mesh dayman.. da bey7'aleny afra7 betare2a 3'areba
bas howa bykon forsa kebra awe enak teftekr zekrayatak !!!